Founder of Alabaster

Deborah Mason
Founder & President
Message Deborah
Deborah has been a Christian since 1982. Many of those years were spent in her local Church, where she was fed, nurtured and grounded in the Word of God. Deborah holds a five-fold Ministry call and has been speaking into the lives of many since 1982.
Since Deborah's childhood, she has had a burden to see people healed, not fully understanding that it was the Holy Spirit drawing her to Him at that time. This burden has never left her, but has only increased in greater measure. She has been a leader in the House of God, where she assisted in the various Ministries listed below:
After 20 years of local church ministry, Deborah felt a stirring in her spirit and was led to reach out beyond its walls to an international stage. Deborah then formed Alabaster Box Ministries in the autumn of 2003. Since its inception, Alabaster has touched several nations and continues to expand and bring hope and healing to many through the preaching of the Word of God to Pastors and Bishops, men, women and children, lepers, widows and the destitute. Many people have been physically aided through feeding programs, disaster/poverty relief, and shipments.
Deborah has seven biological children and five grand children.
The Board

Secretary & Treasurer
Message Judith
Judith has been a Christian since 1979. A faithful Sunday school teacher for many years, she enjoys teaching others the treasures found in the Word of God. She is a firm believer in the power of intercession and spends hours in prayer and study of the Word.
She reaches out in her own community through Gospel tract distribution and food bank ministry in order to further the cause of Christ and win souls. She is anticipating her travel as a missionary abroad for Alabaster in the near future. Alabaster is blessed to have her standing with them as the Secretary/Treasurer.

Message Deanna
Deanna has been a Christian since 1980. She has served the Lord through outlets such as teaching Sunday school; Pioneer Girls; working with youth through drop-in center outreach; praise team worship; food bank/clothing outreach; and janitorial duties.
Deanna is a prayer warrior for Christ and her eager desire to help is clearly evidenced through the outreach from her home to hurting people like prisoners, cancer patients, the homeless, teenagers, drug addicts and the poor. Like a neighbourhood mother, Deanna has been a shoulder to cry on for many individuals who have lost their hope and their way, directing them to focus their eyes upon Jesus. She always has a word of encouragement for everyone and a message of hope in despairing situations.
Having been a single mother who raised three children by herself, Deanna is now married to Keith Knight. She has three children, seven grandchildren, and two great grandchildren. Alabaster is privileged to have her standing with them as a Director.
Missions Director

Missions Director
Message Viola
Viola has been a Christian from a young age. Trained and nurtured in the local church alongside her parents and six siblings, she served as a Sunday school teacher and praise team member.
Viola has performed an administrative role with Alabaster since 2003, working alongside her mother, Deborah. Having a heart for hurting youth, she began a youth group in Courtice, Ontario, under the umbrella of Alabaster. Functioning out of her family's basement, it quickly blossomed into a group of over twenty youth – many of them making a decision for Christ. In 2011, she graduated from York University, with a degree in International Studies and History. Her training continued when she followed her heart to serve overseas in Europe with Youth With A Mission (YWAM), where she completed her six-month Discipleship Training School (DTS). During this time, she had the opportunity to travel to nine different countries, ministering in churches, orphanages, seniors' residences, homes, and on the streets. This journey increased Viola's passion for mission work and poverty relief, and served to heighten her desire to see the church reach beyond its walls and out to a hurting world. Upon her return in 2012, Viola accepted the role of Missions Director for Alabaster. Alabaster is grateful to have her standing with them in this role.